About the Journal

Border : Journal of Architecture is a journal published by the Department of Architecture of Faculty of Architecture and Design, UPN "Veteran" Jawa Timur that accommodates the results of research and products of scientific thought in the field of architecture and the built environment. Jurnal BORDER accepts articles both in Indonesian and English language. This journal will publish 2 (two) times a year, June and November, and reviewed by independent reviewers with expertise in the field of architecture and the built environment.

The name of Jurnal BORDER was taken from the word border, which means the spearhead of regional defense that safeguards the preservation of the wealth of the region. Moreover, the border is also the meeting point of two different regions, which are then put together in one joining line or point. Border, in the world of academics, is expected to be the forefront which driving the intellectual wealth of Indonesian researchers. The name was also chosen from the expectations of the editorial board that this journal would be a joining point between various fields of researchers who could produce works that could advance Indonesia's intellectual wealth. Therefore, we invite authors to participate in sending articles that are based on the results of research, conceptual ideas, reviews of research processes, original critical ideas, and studies related to architectural phenomena and the built environment.

Focus and Scope

This journal is focusing on publishing articles with topics from the field of architecture, theory and architectural criticism, urban design and planning, urban and residential areas, environmental architecture, building structures, and other areas of the built environment.


Peer Review Policy

Publication Ethics

Plagiarism Policy

Publication Charge