Border: Jurnal Arsitektur <p><strong>Border : Jurnal Arsitektur</strong> is a journal published by the Department of Architecture of Faculty of Architecture and Design, UPN "Veteran" Jawa Timur that accommodates the results of research and products of scientific thought in the field of architecture and the built environment. <strong>Border : Jurnal Arsitektur</strong> accepts articles both in Indonesian and English language. This journal will publish 2 (two) times a year, <em><strong>June and November</strong></em>, and reviewed by independent reviewers with expertise in the field of architecture and the built environment.</p> <p>Authors are invited to send articles resulting from the research results, conceptual ideas, review of research processes, original critical ideas, and studies related to architectural phenomena and the built environment.</p> <p><strong>Topics</strong></p> <p>This journal is focusing on publishing articles with topics from the field of architecture, theory and architectural criticism, urban design and planning, urban and residential areas, environmental architecture, building structures, and other areas of the built environment.</p> Department of Architecture, Faculty of Architecture and Design, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional "Veteran" Jawa Timur en-US Border: Jurnal Arsitektur 2656-5889 Cultural Tactical Urbanism for Kids in Terang Bangsa School Area, Semarang City <p><em>Children are an age group that is vulnerable to becoming victims of accidents on city roads, especially with the use of roads as play spaces. Apart from that, at Terang Bangsa Elementary School, there are still outdoor spaces that are unkempt and abandoned. Previous research shows a close relationship between Tactical Urbanism and children's behavior in urban spaces. However, there has yet to be any research regarding Tactical Urbanism that formulates a design specifically intended for children. Therefore, this research aims to formulate a Tactical Urbanism design appropriate to the culture of Terang Bangsa Elementary School children. Qualitative methods were used to answer the research objectives: observation, literature review, and descriptive qualitative. Based on this method, the appropriate Tactical Urbanism design is to provide a playground that facilitates accustomed games. Tactical Urbanism suggests dividing areas into three: circulation, active, and semi-active. Each zone is equipped with furniture that can be disassembled and adapted to suit the child, and it functions as a play stimulant, relaxer, and barrier. Practical street art is needed to support children's play atmosphere. Implementing this design can change the school environment, motivate school children's activities, and become the school's identity.</em></p> David Suwarno Kusweanto Kevin Lo Natania Nysa Pertiwi NS Copyright (c) 2024 Border: Jurnal Arsitektur 2024-07-12 2024-07-12 6 1 1 14 COMPARATIVE STUDY OF SOFTWARE PREFERENCES AND BUILDING TYPOLOGY IN ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN STUDIO <p><em>The developments of information technology have affected architectural education methods significantly, especially in the usage of architectural design softwares throughout the design process. Proficiency to operate certain software has become one of important considerations in professional architectural practice, because such skill will affect the whole process and outputs. With excellent skill, one can visualize and communicate design more effectively, rather than other individuals that use more updated software features but still learning to operate them. On the other hand, the learning process in architectural design studios always has a theme that can be classified to certain building typologies. This research aims to study the relation between building typology and software preferences in each design stage, from students point of view. The targeted students are the ones in third and fourth year of study, where the digital media are utilized in the studio process. The data obtained from questionnaires will be analyzed further using descriptive and correlational analysis. The findings from this research will serve as an input for the development of architectural education curriculum, regarding the most relevant and beneficial architectural software in each design process, from students' preferences.</em></p> Stephanus Wirawan Dharmatanna Elvina Shanggrama Wijaya Copyright (c) 2024 Border: Jurnal Arsitektur 2024-07-12 2024-07-12 6 1 15 28 MODEL TESTING WITH WOOD MATERIALS IN INDOOR AND OUTDOOR USE <p><em>Wood is a natural material that is easy to find and can be used for building materials. A large number of types of wood causes errors in the selection of wood based on its use. This study aims to determine the reactions and changes that occur in the wood used in the model. This study used an experimental method carried out on wooden models through two indoor and outdoor placements. Indoor testing was carried out by placing the model in a closed room with an average room temperature of 24-33°C for 14 days, while outdoor testing was carried out by placing the model in an open space for 7 days. From the results of the analysis carried out, wood materials can be used indoors and outdoors. However, several factors related to wood’s type, nature, and quality must be considered. Some types of wood require special care such as coating the wood so that it can be used optimally outdoors.From these experiments, it can be concluded that wood has several types, and we must know the characteristics of wood according to its use.</em></p> Selly Veronica Ahmad F.A.H Hasibuan Evania F Luke Gweneth J.A Thoha Muhammad R Kurniawan Rapli I Alparizi Copyright (c) 2024 Border: Jurnal Arsitektur 2024-07-12 2024-07-12 6 1 29 38 CONFLICT MANAGEMENT THROUGH BAILEO DESIGN CONCEPT STRATEGY IN YALAHATAN VILLAGE, CENTRAL MALUKU DISTRICT <p><em>The Ambon conflict is an event of conflict between religious communities. What occurred in the period from 1999 to 2000, this event caused divisions which had an impact on the harmony of the people who had long lived side by side. Baileo House is a traditional building that is able to translate various elements of kinship between pela gandong and patasiwa, patalima. This research was conducted in Yalahatan hamlet, negeri Tamilouw, Central Maluku Regency. The people of Yalahatan hamlet have a Baileo house called usali or a community gathering place. The aim of this research is to identify various factors contained in the Baileo house in Yalahatan hamlet as a unifying building with its performance in minimizing conflict by elevating the community's identity as traditional people who love brotherhood. The type of research applied is qualitative descriptive research. From the research results, it was found that the performance of the Baileo house in uniting the Yalahatan hamlet community through its various functions, is an example of the existence of traditional values ​​which naturally direct the community to return to maintaining kinship relations between fellow Yalahatan people in particular and fellow Alifuru people in general.</em></p> Muhammad Darma Patty Erlina Laksmiani Wahjutami Copyright (c) 2024 Border: Jurnal Arsitektur 2024-07-12 2024-07-12 6 1 39 54 ADAPTATION OF TRADITIONAL MINAHASA ARCHITECTURE IN MALANG CITY <p>Geographically and climatically, Minahasa and Malang are similar, being in the highlands and having a two-season climate, but Minahasa is more likely to experience seismicity than Malang. Culturally, the Minahasa tribe upholds mapalus to strengthen kinship. From these conditions, there is an adaptation that adjusts to the new environment which aims for comfort in occupying. This research aims to determine the results of geographical, climatic, and cultural adaptation of traditional Minahasa architecture in Malang City. The research method is descriptive qualitative and interviews by analyzing data in the form of comparing aspects of venustas, firmity, and utility. The findings of this research are that the meaning of the three vertical and horisontal spaces has changed slightly, such as the use of the lower space and placement of stairways into the pores. The knockdown system applied can be identified in the connection between the column and the beams, as well as the concrete column that adapts to the environmental conditions. Some have changed in terms of space, structure, and facade as a result of adaptation to the new environment. However, it does not change the main characteristics of Minahasa architecture so that traditional Minahasa architecture can be accepted in Malang.</p> Yesaya Moses Rondonuwu Erlina Laksmiani Wahjutami Copyright (c) 2024 Border: Jurnal Arsitektur 2024-07-12 2024-07-12 6 1 55 66 STUDY OF PREFERENCES FOR STUDENT COMMUNAL SPACE IN THE UPN VETERAN JAWA TIMUR <p><em>The communal space for students in the university is important to support academic activities, considering that student activities on campus are not only in classrooms, studios, laboratories, and libraries. However, these shared areas are often poorly designed, leading to disruptions and discomfort for users. This research aims to gather preferences for student communal spaces at UPN "Veteran" Jawa Timur. The research objectives include identifying perceptions of the availability of student communal spaces and the activities carried out in these spaces. Furthermore, it aims to identify expectations for the atmosphere and facilities in these communal spaces. The results of the analysis of these expectations for the atmosphere and facilities are then linked to the types of activities. This research is conducted using a qualitative method. Data is collected through online questionnaires distributed to UPN "Veteran" Jawa Timur students and then analyzed using content analysis with stages including open coding, axial coding, and selective coding. The results show that psychological atmosphere factors, as well as thermal, auditory, and visual comfort, are dominant in the desired atmosphere by respondents. Additionally, the expected facilities are electronic and electrical.</em></p> Azkia Avenzoar Dominikus Aditya Fitriyanto Yerry Kahaditu Firmansyah Copyright (c) 2024 Border: Jurnal Arsitektur 2024-07-12 2024-07-12 6 1 67 80 AERODYNAMIC HIGH-RISE BUILDING IN STRUCTURAL REVIEW AND DESIGN INTEGRATION <p class="Abstract" style="text-indent: 0in;"><span lang="IN" style="font-size: 10.0pt; line-height: 115%; layout-grid-mode: both; font-weight: normal;">Tall buildings that have aerodynamic characteristics are tall buildings that can respond to wind flow and lateral loads that occur on the upper structure of the building. Obstacles in understanding the structural systems in tall buildings often become obstacles for architecture students so design integration cannot be achieved, especially in tall buildings with aerodynamic shapes. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze how the structural patterns that form aerodynamic buildings can be realized using case studies in Indonesia and abroad. The method used in this research is a literature review and analysis with a review of aerodynamic building designs and structures in three building case studies in Indonesia and abroad. It is hoped that by understanding aerodynamic building structural systems, students will be able to combine creativity with their structural systems. Conversely, understanding the structural system can produce design creativity to create an integration of the design and structural system. From the literature review and analysis, it is found that aerodynamic tall buildings have a structural system obtained from twister-shape processing with a composite structural system and a core system. As well as the diagrid system which usually uses a steel diagrid structure system and a core structure system. The core system is still the main reference because its use is more efficient in terms of costs and work methods.</span></p> Fibria Conytin Nugrahini Copyright (c) 2024 Border: Jurnal Arsitektur 2024-07-12 2024-07-12 6 1 81 94 SOCIO-ECONOMIC SUSTAINABILITY ASSESSMENT OF MULTI-STOREY HOUSING: A SKYVILLE @ DAWSON SINGAPORE CASE STUDY <p><em>Social and economic sustainability significantly affect the well-being of residents in high-rise vertical housing. Previous research has identified various complaints about poor relationships between residents, lack of interaction, and feelings of confinement. On the other hand, COVID-19 has limited interactions among residents in densely populated housing due to the high transmission rates of the disease. This study aims to conduct a content analysis of data on Skyville @ Dawson apartments from reliable sources, covering the period from 2009 to 2024. The research is conducted with the content analysis method, focusing on economic, social, and environmental aspects of Sustainable Architectural Design. From secondary and online data, it was found that WOHA designed Skyville @ Dawson to accommodate the behavioral needs of Singaporean society with several horizontal gardens on various floors, potentially securing interaction against COVID-19 through good building management. Therefore, this high-rise housing is an excellent example of the socio-economic development of upper-floor housing.</em></p> Gunawan Tanuwidjaja Ermyra Putri Bastian Jason Maynard Tedja Ivan Reagan Prasetyo Priskila Adiasih Copyright (c) 2024 Border: Jurnal Arsitektur 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 6 1 95 118